Schenectady Addiction Treatment Centers

Inpatient Drug Treatment Schenectady New York



Perhaps due to its proximity to Albany, the substance issues of both upstate New York cities are quite similar. Present statewide strategies to further curb Schenectady’s alcohol and drug abuses include the following: a) Enhancement of enforcement laws prohibiting sales to minors; b) Consideration of a further increase of alcohol taxes; c) Maintaining limits on days on which alcohol is sold; and d) Continued cultivation of model substance abuse prevention programs. To find a heroin drug rehab for detox and treatment in Schenectady NY please contact the helpline.


Heroin Addiction Treatment Schenectady NY


Like so many other cities throughout the United States, Schenectady is experiencing a near-epidemic level of opioid abuse, which represents its greatest and fastest-growing drug issue. Signs of an opioid overdose, whether natural or synthetic (such as heroin) include:


  1. Slow, shallow or inconsistent breathing;
  2. Contracted pupils;
  3. Snoring or choking sounds;
  4. A blue or purplish appearance in lips and/or fingernails;
  5. Vomiting;
  6. Faint pulse; and
  7. Unconsciousness


Opioids as an umbrella term can include natural opiates (morphine, codeine), as well as synthetic variants such as Fentanyl, Oxycodone, and Heroin. Many authorities in the area carry Narcan, which is also available for free to all Albany County residents. Narcan reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. Trainings are offered to the public twice-monthly, which includes a free Narcan kit. Such training is also provided to county employees. Contact your local police or fire department for further information.


Opioid replacement therapy is also available and a common form of treatment in Schenectady, including options such as Methadone, Suboxone, and Vivitrol. Further, Albany County expends a substantive part of its budget to educate residents as to the nature of substance abuse in general.


On November 7, 2017, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a report by Albany-based physician Andrew Chang. The main finding went against popular thought, and stated that short-term opioid usage could be just as dangerous, in terms of addiction, as long-term usage.


Alcohol and pot use are slightly higher than the national average. Meth and cocaine are slightly under the national average. Both instances take into account a statistical consideration of “plus or minus two percent,” which potentially evens the figures as online with national trends.


Schenectady thrives as a hub of nightlife. Club drugs are increasingly prevalent, with many profit-minded individuals marketing their own versions of Ecstasy and other club drugs, usually said to be “healthy” and “herbal.” These variants are sold online, but many seem to be targeted to residents of Albany County.


Otherwise, as mentioned, Schenectady, as with the neighboring Albany, is yet another city whose greatest drug-related issue is its opiate scourge. Beginning with prescriptions to take care of pain, then evolving into a user mode of wanting a quicker fix and subsequent stronger drugs to meet that fix, heroin has taken hold as the street drug of choice. Today, New York State has the sixth lowest drug overdose mortality rate in the United States. Many of the state’s efforts have taken hold, and substantially prevented death by overdose.


According to a report called Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic, today 7.8 per every 100,000 New York State residents suffer drug-related fatalities. Also, the state has scored a 9 out of 10 in a new policy study listing New York as among the most effective of all states in  implementing strategies to curb prescription abuse. None of this means, however, that the issue has been resolved.


Far from it. Though showing signs of promise, in the state’s city of Schenectady prescription-related deaths outnumber those from heroin and cocaine combined, and such deaths are approaching those resulting from alcohol-involved motor vehicle accidents. Further, in general, substance issues evolve based on many factors: availability, ease of access, and experimentation among them.


Though Schenectady, like its parent state, is showing certain signs of promise in leading the way against substance abuse, one can never become too lax.


Like so many upstate New York cities, Schenectady is a beautiful town with a lingering problem of prescription medication addiction. Such a “drug class” in this city far outweighs treatment center admissions for street drugs. Regardless, if you find yourself overusing any substance listed herein, understand that you will always be able to find an option that is best suited for your needs.





We have discussed this in other articles here, and it is well worth repeating: Pre-intake questions to consider, which mimic certain applications, include many that require the individual seeking help to dig deep inside and be brutally honest as to the degree and severity of their substance use.


Some common questions that will likely be asked on an application form include the following:


“Have you ever substituted one drug for another, thinking one particular drug was the problem?” “Have you ever substituted one drug for another with the intent of a greater high?” “Does the thought of running out of drugs terrify you?” “Why do you use?” And, “Have you ever been in a jail, a hospital, or a drug rehabilitation center because of your using?”


As with any other self-diagnostic tool, consider the preceding questions as exploratory only. You must speak to a trained and licensed professional for any true diagnosis. Still, such introspection can be extremely useful. Pointed questions such as these deserve honest, well-thought answers. You may be validated in your responses, or you may dislike your responses. Likely both will apply to an extent. Regardless, consider your results, and then take necessary action.


A caveat: Even if you don’t believe you are addicted, but are concerned that your usage is growing, or that you may be on the cusp of a problem, our The Recover resources are there for you. You do not have to be on the far side of addiction to reach out to trained professionals as listed here.


In the same spirit, if you are drawn to use, but have not yet, you may still want to speak to a trained professional. 21 million Americans suffer from substance abuse issues. You are not alone.


Schenectady Addiction Treatment Centers




If you believe you need help, then you do need help. If, however – for whatever the reason – you believe you need help prior to entering formal treatment, we have a suggestion. Finding a certified interventionist in Schenectady NY can be accomplished by contacting the helpline provided in this post and asking for an intervention.


Speak to a friend, a family member, or an otherwise trusted associate. In an ideal situation, speak to someone you trust who has dealt with addiction issues. Ask them if they could help you, whether practically or by recommending someone who can work with you towards treatment. If you have no one you can trust, which is common for a user, then we suggest contacting one of the organizations on this page and speaking to them about your issues, or concerns.


If you come to believe an intervention may be in your best interests, but want to know more, here are some common elements practiced by an interventionist:


Planning, preparation, and engagement of the intervention.

Advisement of specific and appropriate treatment and rehab programs.

Sensitivity issues in working with a user.

Preparing all arrangements, including family consultation so they know what to expect.

Continuing to work with the family – or friends – of the addict while they are undergoing inpatient or outpatient treatment.

Arranging of all logistics, including payment and/or insurance requirements, and arrival.


The interventionist also sets ground rules as to how to interact with the user:


Do not get upset with your family member, or friend, during the intervention.

Avoid verbal labels during the intervention, such as “junkie,” “addict,” or “alcoholic.” The mindset is to not have the addict defined by their addiction.

When deciding who to include in the intervention – again, friends and/or family of the addict (as we will continue to say for clarity’s sake in the context of these articles)  – the number of people who attend must be kept to a minimum, and managed.

Never perform the intervention if the addict, or another member of the group, is intoxicated.


Many interventions are initiated against the will of the user, by concerned associated parties. Television sometimes reinforces the myth that all interventions are violent, or potentially dangerous. Consider this: Is your addiction potentially dangerous?


If you find yourself as a surprised and unwilling subject of an intervention, those in charge are taking the action in your best interests. How you respond is, of course, up to you. A user will frequently deal with trust issues. However, note that the interventionist is there to help you, not hurt you.


Intervention can be a highly-effective tool when prudently undertaken. Those in charge have an immense responsibility to you and your safety, and they take that responsibility seriously.





Many frequent users, or even casual users, whose usage is not yet defined as an addiction make the mistake of not taking the first step towards sobriety as it regards intake. If you need help in making an informed decision as to what treatment method is right for you, we cannot encourage you strongly enough to, again, speak to family and/or friends who have been there before. Sometimes, a user has a difficult time making such decisions with a clear head.


And once more, if you know of no one who has been through these issues before, please contact one of the centers as listed on this page.


Also, we encourage you to ask yourself a few questions: 1) What is holding you back from getting help? 2) Do you believe you have a support system? If so, do you feel comfortable contacting them and speaking about your problem? If not, would you feel more comfortable contacting a professional? And 4) Do you believe you are capable of making an informed decision as to your treatment? If yes, you are well-advised to take advantage of one or more of the resources here. If no, you are strongly advised to contact one of the phone numbers listed here, and discuss your reservations.


Some drug rehab centers in Schenectady allow pets, if you want to bring  an emotional support dog to rehab with you, and you have the proper paperwork this may be available to you.


During the intake application process, you will be required to list your prescription medications and days and times taken (if “none,” you check “none”), an authorization of medical care, a list of allergies or other medical issues, and a waiver of responsibility. Some applications ask more. A physician or treatment center representative will then review your application for the proper steps, and treatment. From there, a trained specialist will speak with you, one-on-one, to explain the following process. You are encouraged to ask whatever questions you have, and they will respond accordingly.


If there is no intervention at the upfront of your treatment journey, your intake will represent not only a hard view of reality … but your first step towards reclaiming your life.


Opiates and Heroin Addiction Treatment Troy New York


Detox Services Schenectady


The concept and practice of detox is typically broken down into three distinct phases: Evaluation, Stabilization, and Transition to Inpatient Drug Rehab in Schenectady.


Evaluation: As overseen by a doctor, who will determine what drugs are presently being used, how long has the patient been using, and how much and how frequently the patient uses.

Stabilization: As expounded on the site, stabilization differs patient to patient, based on specific substance being abused. This is the end result of the withdrawal phase.

Transition to Inpatient Drug Rehab: Many addicts believe that once they complete withdrawal, they are finished with their treatment. That is a dangerous belief, as withdrawal only releases the immediate physical hold of the substance.

Communication is key. Some users are resistant to treatment, most especially when in a treatment center against their will. In this instance, your communication with your specialists will be at risk. Remember, they are there to help you. You have the freedom to ask questions, and the right to receive answers.

If you are going through treatment as a couple and you and your partner are attending a couples detox together, you may be separated during this time depending on the treatemnt facility. Some inpatient couples rehabs allow you to stay in the same room while other couples rehab centers do not.


That is one of the benefits of treatment, a better understanding of your illness.





Inpatient treatment can either be PHP (a partial hospitalization providing a highly-structured environment, with typically active treatment of 30 hours per week), the less-intensive IOP (intensive outpatient treatment plan, which requires up to three hours daily over 3-5 days, for a total of nine hours weekly; therapy is usually included, but the patient can live either at their own home or a halfway house during the process), and an RTC (residential).


Though you may be the best determinant of the degree of inpatient recovery resources best suited to your needs, frequently one may need the help of family or friends to help you more clearly identify the treatment options that are most prudent for your needs. From there, only your personal commitment will determine your success.


PHPs and RTCs are amazing resources targeted to those with more severe or difficult abuse issues. Both options are highly-structured, especially the former. The importance of structure cannot be understated. You will have a time for medicinal treatment, a time for personal or group therapy, a time to rest, a time for activities …


Frequently, a user has little structure outside of the treatment center. The user is more interested in the high than by scheduling their day via their clock. The structure of PHP treatment, particularly, may be a challenge for some. But, if you allow the treatment to take its course, the end-result can exceed your most optimistic hopes.





Outpatient treatment is a comprehensive approach to wellness, and no less impactful than inpatient services. Please research the importance of outpatient treatment resources on The Recover, or speak to loved ones who have been through the process. Recovery is an ongoing process, which requires a substantive lifestyle change to avoid the ever-present threat of a relapse. As so many of us say, lifestyle changes to not happen overnight. One day at a time is a good way to go.


Let’s discuss a bit further. Outpatient treatment allows the patient a certain level of responsibility to remain clean while outside of the treatment center. You will face temptations but will have also learned specific strategies as to how to deal with them. It is up to you to take advantage of those lessons. There is a certain degree of trust on the part of the outpatient treatment administrators that the user will remain clean, and at the same time outpatient treatment allows for the user to remain productive on the outside while still receiving help. If you work, you can schedule your outpatient appointments or check-ins after hours.


One very important point, though, under this or any treatment circumstance: The entirely of your treatment is a commitment. Outpatient or not, if you miss one appointment you will likely miss another. That is a recipe for failure. What you allow, you encourage. Never allow an excuse to fail.


On that note, let us discuss the concept of commitment for a moment. Some users resent the term, thinking many of those who do not use, or who are not otherwise plagued by addiction, tend to believe commitment is that much easier than it truly is. How can a user commit to anything at all, one may ask, much less treatment if said user is overwhelmed by their addiction?


It is very difficult. Really, it is. Understand that you have something very important in common, however, with a non-user: Specifically, nothing comes easy without work. And commitment, make no mistake, is work. You can do this, though. You can reclaim your life. So many others have before; you can too. A commitment is necessary, but we cannot make that commitment for you. Always remember, you are not defined by your addictions.




Schenectady, New York is another city rich in culture, and another plagued with its share of drug issues, most especially from the widespread misuse of prescription opiates. Pot is the most common street drug; cocaine and meth are not nearly as used in the area. Alcohol is a frequent problem. The community has been proactive in its efforts to curb its substance abuse problems, and has undertaken strong efforts to determine what can best be done in this fight.


As with its neighboring Albany, Schenectady’s greatest current apprehension, like so many other cities where opiates have become its largest substance-related scourge, is that its heroin usage will grow, and evolve, as its residents look for bigger and bigger highs. Multiple opiate prescriptions are an ongoing issue. Frequently, a user so-prescribed will turn to something stronger to increase the effect they strive for, without taking multiple pills.


But, on repeat, the help you need is out there.


The difference is made once you seek help. Help is a commitment, however; attending a treatment center and seeing your way through the process may well be the most important commitment you will ever undertake. You are your own best friend in this process, by virtue of being aware of your issue and appropriately acting upon it. As we all know, the process of addiction is day-to-day. Treatment is no different. As long as you understand, however, that such help is but a phone call away, taking action is the most positive step you can take for yourself. Continuing therapy and staying in a sober home will help improve your chances of long term sobriety.


Please feel free to keep us informed of your progress. If you need help, and if feel that you can ask, please do so. This is why we are here.



Schenectady City Information


The population of Schenectady, New York is estimated as 161,000. The name, Schenectady, is from a Mohawk word that roughly translates to “on the other side of the pine lands.” Schenectady is a city within the Albany-Schenectady-Troy New York Metropolitan Statistical Area. The distance from Schenectady to Albany, the state capital, is 27 miles.


Schenectady has an area of 209 square miles, of which over four square miles is water. The towns within the city include Duanesburg, Glenville, Rotterdam, Princetown, and Niskayuna. The city has two villages among its towns, Delanson and Scotia. The median income for a Schenectady household is approximately $60,000, plus or minus two percent.


The racial makeup of Schenectady is predominantly Caucasian, at 79%. 10% of the city’s population is African American, 6% Hispanic or Latino of any Race, and 4% Asian. The remaining 1% is most often listed as Pacific Islander.


Schenectady is a historic New York region for several regions. Thomas Edison founded General Electric here. The oldest private college is here: Union College, founded in 1795. In 1940, the first television broadcast was transmitted over WRGB here, thereby establishing the first television network.


Museums and ethnic restaurants are common. Nightlife is a major attraction, and gambling is popular by virtue of its resorts and casinos.


Schenectady Addiction Treatment Centers


Suboxone Clinics Suboxone Strips



Can Suboxone be prescribed for discomfort?


Since Subutex and Suboxone are partial opiates that work to obstruct painreceptors, they can be an attractive option for long-term persistent pain management. Utilizing Subutex and Suboxone has its advantages, however using them alone is not a reliable treatment for persistent discomfort and/or opioid dependency.


Can a Nurse Practitioner Write Prescriptions for Illegal Drugs?


The answer is a resounding YES! Nurse practitioners can prescribe medication, consisting  drugs classified as controlled substances , in all 50 states and Washington DC.  In these locations, NPs can autonomously prescribe medications, consisting of extremely regulated Schedule II-V substances, without physician supervision.


How much does suboxone cost

What is the Cost of Suboxone Without Insurance?

The expense for Suboxone sublingual film (2 mg-0.5 mg) is around $151 for a supply of 30 (film), depending on the drug store you visit. Prices are for cash paying consumers only and are not valid with insurance strategies.


What is the Difference Between Suboxone and Buprenorphine?


The main distinction between Suboxone and Subutex is that a person of these medications also contains a substance called “naloxone.” while the other one does not: Subutex consists of a single active ingredient: buprenorphine. Suboxone contains 2 active
active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.


What Are The Negative Effects of Taking Suboxone?

Common side effects might include:

– headache, mild lightheadedness;
– numbness or tingling;
– drowsiness, or sleep problems (insomnia);.
– stomach pain, vomiting, constipation;.
– redness, discomfort, or feeling numb in your mouth;.
– sensation intoxicated; or.
– problem concentrating.


Is There a Generic Version of Suboxone?


Has a generic version of Suboxone been authorized? Yes. Generic versions of Suboxone (Buprenorphine Hydrochloride and Naloxone Hydrochloride Sublingual Tablets 2 mg (base)/ 0.5 mg (base) and 8 mg (base)/ 2 mg (base) by Actavis Elizabeth LLC and Amneal Pharmaceuticals) were approved February 22, 2013.


How do you get on Suboxone?


If you want to detox utilizing suboxone, your best bet is to either discover a drug detox center that utilizes the drug – some methadone centers now likewise have actually suboxone – or find a doctor who is certified to prescribe it. Another choice is to discover a drug detox or rehab facility that utilizes suboxone to detox.


How Long Does Suboxone Stay In Your Urine to Pass a Drug Test?


The length of time does buprenorphine remain in your system? Buprenorphine is noticeable in urine approximately 4 days after consumption. With a long half life (24-60 hours) and slow start, buprenorphine is becoming the favored medication for opiate dependency treatment. But it is not likely that you will be drug tested for buprenorphine.


Is Buprenorphine a Narcotic?


Methadone is an opiate agonist that is prescribed under regulated circumstances to treat the signs of opiate withdrawal. In 2000, buprenorphine ended up being the first narcotic drug that could be prescribed by certified doctors for the treatment of opioid dependence under the Drug Dependence Treatment Act.


Is Suboxone Classified as a Narcotic?


Suboxone is a prescription medication that integrates buprenorphine and naloxone. It’s used to deal with opioid dependency. (Heroin and narcotic painkillers are common opioid drugs.) . Naloxone remains in a class of drugs called opioid villains, which reverse the effects of narcotics.


How Long Does the Blocker Last in Suboxone?


Naloxone on the other hand has a half life of 2 to 12 hours. This implies that it takes the body in between 48 to 84 hours to remove it from its system. Complete stopping of opiates continues until approximately 24 hours after a person takes Suboxone. Then the opioids are partially obstructed for another 64 hours.


What Schedule of Drug is Suboxone?


SUBOXONE and SUBUTEX are managed as Arrange III narcotics under the Controlled Substances Act. I have actually heard that buprenorphine is much safer than methadone.


How Long Does Suboxone Last When You Take It?


Well, generally speaking, it obstructs them for around one day. This time can be significantly longer, though, depending on a variety of elements. Once again, things like dose, frequency, weight, and metabolism enter into play. Suboxone can obstruct opioids for as long as 3 days.


The Length of Time Does it Require to Get Suboxone Out of Your System?


Suboxone can be spotted through drug screening tests through blood, urine, or hair samples. RxList notes a half-life of 24-42 hours in the bloodstream for buprenorphine and simply 2-12 hours for naloxone. Common doses of buprenorphine are noticeable in the urine for 3 days.


How does Suboxone Show Up On A Drug Test?


Checking for Suboxone Usage. Suboxone does disappoint up as a positive result in basic drug panels. Buprenorphine can just be spotted in urine, blood, or hair by using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and not by the urine and saliva tests normally utilized to find substance abuse.


Suboxone Strips


What Does Suboxone Strips do to you?


The Suboxone Dispute: Discover why use of Suboxone is a hotly objected to issue.Suboxone is a combination drug comprised of two compounds: Buprenorphine– a reasonably moderate opiate analgesic with combined opioid receptor agonist activity; historically utilized at low doses to manage moderate to moderate levels of pain.


Suboxone Strips High


Can You Overdose on Suboxone Film?


Accidental or deliberate overdose of Suboxone is less likely to kill you then an overdose of other opiates. . However, you can die from an overdose with Suboxonein combination with another sedative. You can die if you take too much benzodiazepine (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin) or excessive alcohol with Suboxone.


Suboxone (buprenorphine / naloxone) Drug Interactions

Overview Side Effects Dosage Professional Tips Interactions

Drug Interactions (1056) Alcohol/Food Interactions (1) Disease Interactions (18)

A total of 1056 drugs (5889 brand and generic names) are known to interact with Suboxone (buprenorphine / naloxone).


314 major drug interactions (1629 brand and generic names)

730 moderate drug interactions (4203 brand and generic names)

12 minor drug interactions (57 brand and generic names)

Show all medications in the database that may interact with Suboxone (buprenorphine / naloxone).


Check for interactions with Suboxone (buprenorphine / naloxone)

Type in a drug name and select a drug from the list.



Drug Name

Common medications checked in combination with Suboxone (buprenorphine / naloxone)

Adderall (amphetamine / dextroamphetamine)


Ambien (zolpidem)

Celexa (citalopram)



Cymbalta (duloxetine)

Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine)




Klonopin (clonazepam)

Lamictal (lamotrigine)

Lexapro (escitalopram)


Lyrica (pregabalin)



Neurontin (gabapentin)

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone)



Percocet (acetaminophen / oxycodone)

Prozac (fluoxetine)

Seroquel (quetiapine)

Subutex (buprenorphine)



Valium (diazepam)

Xanax (alprazolam)

Zoloft (sertraline)


Suboxone Addiction Treatment Centers

Springfield Addiction Treatment Centers

Heroin Drug Rehab Springfield Massachusetts


Springfield, Massachusetts Fights Opioid Addiction


Springfield Massachusetts is facing an opioid crisis. Since 2000, opioid-related deaths have increased in Massachusetts by 350%.  The most recent rate of increase is several times faster than anything seen before with every community in Massachusetts impacted by the current opioid epidemic. In one year. 2013-2014 opioid-related deaths were recorded in two-thirds of the cities and towns in the state of Massachusetts, including the city of Springfield. For a heroin drug rehab in Springfield MA contact the recovery helpline now.


Heroin Addiction Treatment Springfield MA


Recent research reveals that the percentage of opioid deaths for different age groups shows that young people of Massachusetts are especially at risk. In 2013-2014, opioids accounted for more than a quarter of all the deaths in the people eighteen to twenty-four. For individuals from twenty-five to thirty-five, opioids caused more than a third of deaths. In 2015, roughly two out of every three people who died from opioids were younger than 44.


Because the opioid-related death rate in Massachusetts has surpassed the national average, with a dramatically sharp rise in the last two years, the impact of the crisis has led to increases in costs for drug treatment and social services. As a result, the city of Springfield is suing the pharmaceutical companies who have been identified as the impetus of the opioid crisis. Experts have noted that the trend in opioid addiction can be traced to prescription medications legitimately prescribed by physicians for medical conditions from minor to severe, including toothaches and back pain to sports injuries among high school athletes. The highly addictive nature of these drugs created an epidemic of dependency, so that when the legal prescriptions had expired, many now addicted individuals turned to illegal painkillers available on the streets. Making matters worse, cheaper and more readily available heroin replaced pain pills and turned many mildly addicted individuals on pain meds to the lethal and extremely addictive heroin.


Among those vulnerable to addiction are those who have been recently released from Massachusetts prisons. They have a short-term risk of death from opioid overdose that is greater than fifty times the risk for the public.  Also, those suffering from a mental illness were more likely to become victims of opioid overdose. The risk of fatal opioid-related overdose is six times higher for anyone diagnosed with a serious mental illness and three times higher for those diagnosed with depression.


To avoid overdoses, Springfield is equipping its law enforcement officers and paramedics with Naloxone. As they are first on the scene for most overdoses in Springfield, being prepared with this overdose-reversing drug has been a hopeful development in the war on opioids. An overdose thwarted can mean a second chance for any addict, including detox and rehab and the opportunity for a future sober life.


What You Can Do if Addicted to Opioids


Having the courage to accept that you have a drug problem is the first step on the road to recovery. If you find it impossible to stop taking prescription medications or you are deliberately taking a higher and higher dose, than mild dependency is gradually shifting to addiction.


Symptoms of addiction also include physical characteristics such as extreme tiredness and increasingly poor coordination. You find yourself sicker more often, vomiting and contending with nausea. You may also notice your mental alertness diminishing and your ability to make good decisions failing.  Socially, you feel less inclined to be involved in work and school. Lost employment and dropping out of school may seem like coincidences to someone in the throes of addiction but are red flags that opioid addiction is destroying your life.


Your Brain on Opioids


With continued opioid use, tolerance builds. More and more of the drug is required to achieve the same high. Also, when a pain medication is being taken, the very pains they were meant to cure, come back more intensely as your body grows accustomed to the painkiller. The greatest risk of all is that the growing tolerance will eventually lead to an overdose. Opioids reduce the performance of the region of the brain that controls respiration, so as you move closer to a potential overdose, shallow breathing becomes worse leading to unconsciousness and possible death.


Without the opioid, withdrawals will be experienced. Some intense withdrawal symptoms will include sweating and tremors. Depression sets in, Now the high becomes less important as simply not feeling sick is your only goal.


Am I Dependent or Addicted?


The difference between dependency and addiction is a matter of degree. Inability to function without the opioid in your system is clearly a sign that a mere reliance on the drug has turned into a critical need for the drug. A doctor can diagnose dependency and addiction. In fact, this medical assessment becomes step one in the recovery process.


It is at this point that the options for heroin treatment or the treatment for prescription meds are considered. The initial assessment will help both physicians and recovery specialists determine whether residential inpatient heroin detox and treatment or outpatient programs should be recommended.  The rigorous pre-intake evaluation will also help determine the type of detox that is best.


Questions and Answers That Matter for Your Pre-Intake Process


The best heroin addiction treatment centers are working hard to provide you with a plan specifically to fit your opioid addiction or dependency. Here are commonly asked questions you can ask your physician or recovery specialist.


Q: Why do I need to take a medical exam?

A: Recovery specialists need to know the impact opioid use has had on you medically. If heroin was used, HIV and other diseases transmitted through shared needles may also be present. You may also have pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol. All these factors make drug treatment more complex and can affect the treatment plan designed.


Q: Why do I need a psychological evaluation?

A: Because opioids and heroin can over time affect the mind, psychologists need to know your psychological health and how it will be impacted by the drug treatment plan. There are also preexisting mental conditions that you might not be aware of, which may be influencing the addiction.


  1. Why do I need cognitive testing?

A:  Opioid addiction compromises cognitive ability. How well you can listen, communicate and learn all impact your drug treatment program. Adjustments to your drug treatment may be necessary to accommodate your needs if cognitive ability has been weakened by opioid use.


Q: I have already agreed to rehab, why am I getting drug-tested?

  1. Determining the degree of opioid addiction is necessary. Also, determining if a current opioid is being used in conjunction with other drugs is important for defining a drug treatment plan. Often a combination of drugs is being used which can complicate treatment. Subtle differences in prescription opioids and heroin require recovery specialists to adjust treatment.


Q: Why do you need to know so much about my past?

A: understanding the history behind how you ended up addicted offers clues and ideas for treatment. Family history of drugs and alcohol, past experiences of abuse or even deaths in the family can trigger a slip toward addiction. Knowing these important facts about your life can help with heroin treatment.


What has been determined in pre-intake becomes valuable information for formulating a customized treatment plan.  As part of treatment, you will also need to know what is expected of you in drug treatment and what you need to learn about your addiction to aid in recovery.


Springfield Drug treatment center
Drug Treatment Centers Springfield Massachusetts

Learning How to Make Heroin Treatment Successful


Drug treatment is an opportunity for recovery and not everyone who enters drug rehab understands or appreciates the value of treatment. That is why recovery specialists will present the most important aspects of treatment and how they will become a part of your recovery plan.


Immediate treatment is critical. Recovery specialists cannot emphasize enough the importance that treatment occur immediately. There is not time to put off a mild dependency that will eventually become an addiction.


Know your treatment is specific to your needs. There is no one plan fits all approach in drug rehab. Every plan is based on the pre-intake assessment, so results are not just a part of generic demographic statistics. They are designed to help you personally reach recovery.


Psychological treatment may be necessary.  Even if you do not have a mental illness, psychologists and recovery specialists will still look for the root causes of addiction or dependency.


Physical treatments are necessary.  Because your health as an addicted person is compromised, nutrition, exercise and even medications may be necessary to improve your overall health as part of a drug treatment plan.


Rehabilitation does not end with detox. Too many recovering addicts see detox as the only practical step, walking away from long-term treatment. But detox is just the first phase in a long process to bringing about personal healing.


Medications may be necessary. Sometimes prescribed medications from the recovery specialists will aid in the detox process or long-term recovery process. IT must be understood that these are not addictive drugs, rather helpful medications that make withdrawals and drug cravings manageable.


There is more than one way to detox. Some detox options may be offered by recovery specialists. Rapid detox is a non-traditional approach that speeds up the recovery process. Though some physicians may find it to be controversial, it has helped some recovering individuals in some cases. For this reason, consideration needs to be given to all detox strategies.


Are you committed to recovery? For recovery to work at any level, regardless of the specialists involved and the reputation of the recovery center, personal commitment is key to success. If you are skeptical of treatment or feel that you are not really addicted to opioids, then treatment efforts may be ineffectual. Soul-searching and dedication to recovery come together when a recovery specialist asks you if you are really committed to getting better.


How to Deal with Opioid Detox


Because detox can be incredibly dangerous, it is not recommended to attempt detoxing on your own. The advantage of having a recovery specialist available is that the detox process can be monitored, and any medical emergencies can be addressed before they become serious. Some recovery professionals may also recommend the sometimes controversial and non-traditional detox method known as rapid detox.


Should I Consider Rapid Detox?


Also known as ultra-rapid opioid detoxification, rapid detox was originally developed in the 1980s to minimize the time spent hospitalized. Once admitted to a rapid detox center, you will be given naloxone to trigger withdrawals followed by a mild sedative which places you in a state of controlled unconsciousness. The goal is that the body goes through detox while the addicted sleep it off. This can mean detoxing can take only a matter of days rather than weeks. However, many physicians have concerns about this approach.  They feel that by not experiencing the harsh symptoms of drug detox, that the addicted person will be more likely to relapse back into addiction after the detox process. Also many detractors feel that the impact on personal health is a worrisome unknown.


Taking on Withdrawals Through Traditional Detox


If detoxing off opiates is decided upon using traditional detox methods, be prepared. The body responses violently to the absence of opioids. The symptoms may last for days or weeks and vary based on the individual. It is not uncommon for seizures to occur, which is why having a recovery specialist oversee the detox process is valuable. Some of the symptoms experienced during detox may include tension, runny nose, severe chills and disturbed and fitful sleep, nausea and vomiting, muscle spasms and stiffness, problems with breathing, aching bones, problems concentrating, heart palpitations, excessive sweating and tremors.


What Medications are Used During Detox?


Because the severity of addiction and type of drug varies, medical professionals have a variety of medications they can turn to help ease the symptoms of opiate withdrawals throughout the detox process.

  • Methadone-helps with heroin cravings and is used for heroin detox and long-term outpatient management of cravings.
  • Subutex-helps with the moderate to severe physical pain that can accompanying opioid detox
  • Subozone – used to ease symptoms of opioid withdrawal
  • Naltrexone-helps decrease the intense cravings for opioids and blocks the effects of opioids on the brain
  • Antidepressants-helps manage the psychological symptoms during detox which can include severe depression
  • Anti-nausea drugs-used to manage the abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting commonly experienced during detox as a withdrawal symptom


Is Residential Opioid Treatment Necessary?


Though there are occasions when opioid addiction can be treated outside a residential facility, inpatient treatment is generally recommended for most cases.  As the long-term leg of the process of recovery begins, residential treatment will provide the support system to overcome cravings, manage withdrawals past detox and explore personal issues and triggers that may cause relapse.


Modifications in your treatment can range from general therapy sessions that will help you begin reconditioning the brain for sobriety, to partial hospitalization treatments that have more of a medical focus for recovery.


  1. Residential Inpatient Treatment Programs allow residence in the facility where you will approach treatment through a combination of personal therapy sessions and group sessions. You will address opioid addiction at its roots.
  2. Partial Hospitalization Treatment Programs are designed for more severe heroin cases in which opioid addiction requires more intensive monitoring, often due to existing medical conditions or from complications during detox that make close observation necessary. In most cases, partial hospitalization patients are eventually moved to residential treatment in the long run.


Springfield Inpatient Care Therapy Options


Inpatient drug rehab Springfield Massachusetts centers have principles and philosophies behind rehab therapy are varied. There are many traditional therapies that continue to be the foundation for recovery treatment. There are also many innovative approaches that seek different views to understanding addiction and how to overcome it. Therapy will be provided in either individual sessions or group sessions.


Individual Therapy Sessions

Therapy in which counselors work directly with you to help you better understand your drug addiction have shown some of the best results for most patients. One-on-one sessions are also highly recommended for anyone already struggling with mental disorders along with drug addiction. Most one-on-one patients may be experiencing depression, socialization disorders or emotional disorders. Often these conditions may be diagnosed during drug treatment.


Behavioral Couples Therapy for Drug Abuse

The function of Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT) is to develop support for abstaining and to enhance relationship performance among married or couples seeking assistance for substance abuse or alcoholism. BCT sees the substance abusing patient with the partner or live-in partner to arrange a day-to-day “Recovery Contract” in which the patient states his or her intent not to drink or use drugs and the partner reveals assistance for the patient’s efforts to stay abstinent. For clients taking a recovery-related medication (e.g., disulfiram, naltrexone), daily medication intake experienced and verbally strengthened by the spouse likewise is part of the contract. Self-help meetings and drug urine screens belong to the contract for a lot of clients. BCT also increases positive activities and teaches interaction skills.


Four Benefits of Group Therapy for Opioid Treatment

Along with individual therapy, group sessions provide an effective approach that is also flexible and more economical for treatment centers, as several patients can be treated at once with positive results.


Group session benefits include:

  1. More support. Simply by having other people around, group sessions can be more affective for supporting you through opioid addiction with encouragement and hope.
  2. Airing issues. Group therapy allows complaining and venting of frustrations, expressing the negative emotions that often accompany recovery. Having the opportunity to express opinions and feelings to a group rather than a clinician has shown to help resolve personal issues.
  3. Group is motivating. Group therapy has been proven to be more motivating for individual members. Feeling that there are several people behind you driving you to successful recovery can make it more tangible.
  4. Renewing social skills. Many of the communication and engagement skills you may once have had as a sober person are often lost when drugs take hold. Group sessions reignite those skills and the positive energy that evoke.


Outpatient Options for Opioid Dependency


Where mild dependency is the case, outpatient treatment is also an option. Catching dependency before it becomes a serious addiction is key and flexible and economical outpatient programs allow you to work with recovery counselors and group sessions members while being able to go home at night.  Outpatient programs are also ideal for anyone still maintaining responsibilities such as work and school Often, inpatient programs are the next step for residential treatment, as recovering individuals are gradually reintroduced to the sober world with new hope.


Outpatient Programs can also be the best place for new group therapies to be tried out. Counselors using both traditional and experimental approaches to recovery will offer options to find the perfect fit for your personal care.


The Well-Known Twelve Step Program

Twelve step programs began with the treatment of alcoholics and then showed positive results with other types of addiction. Applications of twelve step programs for opioids addresses many of the same issue that plague anyone with addiction. This highly successful program also offers reachable goals for the recovering that they can work on each day of their life.  The basic principles of twelve step programs develop a lasting support system. As a recovering addict to either opioids or heroin, regular meetings extend the opportunity to establish bonds with other recovering addicts and work through relapse and trigger episodes.

Biofeedback Therapy

With a focus on relaxation techniques, medications and exercise, the goal of biofeedback is to retrain your mind to ignore cravings and focus on sober activities. By handing complete control over to you, the recovering, you begin to master and manage mind and body above and beyond opioids.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a non-traditional approach that removes you from the circle of chairs that is typical of group sessions. The approach allows you to explore the world more freely and creatively. Working together as a group, experiential therapy sessions can range from art classes to rock climbing expeditions. The goal is to place the joy of sober activities foremost in your mind, so that drugs begin to lose their sway and influence.

Faith-Based Group Sessions.

Even though most twelve step programs focus on faith as a component of recovery, faith-based group therapy makes it the one and only focus. Using spiritual healing and faith, the goal of this type of therapy is to place the healing power of God above the influence of opioids.

Relapse Prevention

When the issue of drug relapse continues to be a problem, then relapse prevention is an intensive and focused group session with one goal on mind. Overcoming relapses by focusing specifically on triggers, keeping detailed diaries of relapse episode or possible relapse episodes and communicating with other group members works toward the common goal of maintaining sobrieety. Find a sober living house after completing treatment to help maintain people with common goals of staying sober.


If you are searching for a heroin drug rehab for detox and treatment for heroin or opiates/opioids contact our helpline now. Inpatient drug rehabs in Springfield Massachusetts offer help for those struggling from substance abuse.


Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers Springfield MA


New York City Addiction Treatment Centers

Drug Rehabilitation in New York City


Like so many other major American cities, the City that Never Sleeps has a heroin problem. Heroin seems to be the number one cause of death in larger East Coast cities, beating both car accidents and gun violence as the biggest threat to citizens. In fact, in 2017, more New Yorker’s died of drug overdoses than car accidents, homicide, and suicide combined. A link to the CDC shows the increases in drug and opioid overdose deaths.


 Heroin Addiction Treatment New York City


This epidemic has been caused by a confluence of several factors. Firstly, the prevalence of pain medication prescriptions has led to widespread opioid addiction in New York. Many of the doctors that are issuing these prescriptions are not pain management doctors. Most are general practitioners who are providing pain relief for their patients after accidents or surgeries.


Meanwhile, some pain management doctors have found themselves under the scrutiny of law enforcement officers further scaring off those that would be interested in pursuing pain management as a specialty.


General practitioners themselves may be great doctors but are mostly under-trained to deal with short term and long term needs of those that suffer from temporary or permanent pain disorders. This has led to considerable backlash against the doctors themselves and the pharmaceutical companies that are manufacturing these drugs since many of those who find themselves in drug rehab got their start with prescribed pain management meds.


Still, heroin accounts for 55% of all drug overdoses in New York. It’s debatable the extent to which prescription pain management meds have factored into the rise of what the media has termed the “opioid epidemic”. Certainly, with more scrutiny on doctors than ever before, many legislators and health officials are coming up with various initiatives to stop the carnage. To date, their efforts have proven largely unsuccessful. More can be read from a recent New York Times article “Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever


Cities like New York have always been vulnerable to the black market drug trade being situated on the coast. New Jersey too has suffered a similar situation with heroin and opioid abuse in the state exceeding the national average. But fighting the traffickers on multiple fronts has locked law enforcement in a stalemate against an unrelenting force. Today, more initiatives are being put in place to fight the addiction.

New York City Drug Addiction Treatment


New York City Drug Addiction by the Numbers


The data shows that all over the country the number of deaths caused by unintentional overdoses is rising. In 2016, more 1300 New Yorkers died of drug-related overdoses. In 2015 that number was under 1000. To put that in perspective, there were 4 deaths a day in the Big Apple, and the majority of those (73%) were caused by opioids with heroin accounting for 55%. Cities that are hit hard by heroin in New York include Troy, and Albany rank as among some of the higher cities struggling with heroin addiction and opioid abuse.


One of the major players causing a rising death toll is fentanyl which can now be made on the street. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid which is more than 50 times stronger than morphine. Deaths due to fentanyl have risen each quarter as access to the drug has increased exponentially. In addition, fentanyl is being used to cut other drugs like cocaine and heroin. Many of those who end up purchasing fentanyl aren’t aware that the drug is cutting whatever they’re buying. This further complicates things for emergency medical technicians. Fentanyl, due to its potency, may require a higher dose of the anti-opiate drug Naloxone in order to prevent an overdose.


One statistic that many will find surprising is that nearly half (49%) of all unintentional overdose deaths recorded in 2016 were of individuals between the ages of 45 and 64. The image of a disaffected musician junkie is a thing of the past.


The climate that has produced these kinds of numbers is the subject of a great deal of scrutiny. Clearly, pain management meds are essential to certain individuals. But if these individuals are prone to abusing them and not following the instructions on taking them properly, then this sort of addiction is inevitable. It puts doctors in an awkward position because traditionally, these meds have been used for pain management without issue, but today there appears to be a major problem. There may not be one obvious cause that everyone can point to. Nonetheless, the severity of the problem is real.


Heroin and Opioid Treatment: How it Works


If you or your loved one is suffering from opioid addiction, you are not alone. Treatments for heroin addiction in New York City are out there. There is a path to a normal life. The journey won’t be easy, but it is worth it.


You might be wondering what precisely that process entails. Whether you’re seeking heroin treatment or treatment for addiction to pain medication in New York, the process is roughly the same. It entails:


  • Assessment
  • Detox
  • Post-Acute Treatment
  • Continued Management


The process of going from a full-fledged addiction to recovery generally lasts about a year. It may only take a couple of weeks to get the drugs out of your system, but the damage it does to the brain chemistry takes about a year to completely fix. The period in between is not easy, but it gets easier as one goes along.


The first step in that journey is an assessment.


Opioid Addiction Treatment New York City


Addiction Assessment


An addiction assessment is designed to determine what the best course of action for the patient would be. It’s also designed to predict any complications that might arise as a result of detoxification. The process of detoxing can take a large physical toll on the body, even for those who are only addicted to pain medication. Heroin addiction treatment and pain medication addiction treatment is not at all dissimilar.


On the other hand, those who are addicted to heroin tend to have other physical issues that concern their health. These can include numerous blood infections, skin infections, and collapsed veins from injection. The assessment process also must determine the extent of the damage the addiction has caused to the patient’s body. This helps the doctor ensure that there are no complications to the treatment process.


It also allows the doctor to treat any other infections that may have been caused during the course of addiction. This goes without saying, but addicts tend not to have the best immune response. Heroin and opioid addicts are especially vulnerable to respiratory infection. Since all opioids are respiratory depressants, the risk that a patient will suddenly stop breathing is always present.


Beyond that, the doctor will want to take a patient history. This not only includes the history of the patient’s addiction but any other surgeries the patient has had. This also includes a family history to determine if heart disease or other ailments may have been genetically passed to the patient. Usually, this information isn’t critical, but having more information is always better.


Lastly, the doctor will want to determine the patient’s attitude toward their drug abuse. This can also include a mental health examination to determine if the patient has any other co-occurring mental health issues that have gone untreated. For those plagued by drug addiction, this is very often the case. Anxiety, depression, and mood disorders are quite common among addicts. Treating the underlying cause of the addiction can go a long way toward curbing a future relapse. Some rehabs allow pets to help ease the anxiety and depression associated with substance abuse treatment


Medical Drug Detox in New York City


There are two main ways that doctors can detox a patient from opioids. The first is traditional detox that occurs over the course of a couple weeks. The second is rapid detox which is advertised as a way to get off opiates without withdrawal. To detox off heroin in New York City contact the recovery helpline provided in this post.


Rapid Drug Detox


Heroin detox centers that offer rapid detox claim that it is a way to avoid opioid withdrawal symptoms. The process involves being hospitalized for 4 days during which the patient is heavily sedated. The patient is given the drug Naloxone, an opiate blocker, which flushes the opioids out of their system. When the patient wakes up, they are said to be detoxed. This method is use to detox off opioids and to detox off heroin, and some prefer this method, although it comes with medical risks.


There is a great deal of controversy involving this method. Many patients do not wake up from the procedure fully detoxed. Some experience a worsening of mental health symptoms. Others have died.


The CDC conducted a study in 2006 that indicated that there was no benefit to rapid detox over traditional forms of detox. Many clinics refuse to perform the procedure.


In addition, the procedure generally costs more money than traditional forms of detox. It may not be covered by most kinds of health insurance.


Detox itself is not a cure for opioid addiction. The addition still remains and those who have made the journey through the process of fighting addiction, battle that addiction every day. The extent to which it will work as advertised may differ from person to person. Naloxone successfully can block opiates in the body, but some forms of opioids are stronger than others.


In addition, there is a risk of a cardiac or pulmonary event. Individuals that are going through heroin or opioid withdrawal routinely suffer hallucinations and psychosis. If the patient is suffering from other mental health issues, rapid detox may intensify them.


Traditional Drug Detox


By comparison, traditional detox attempts to alleviate the symptoms of opioid withdrawal by supplementing the drug of choice with a lower dose of a drug like methadone or suboxone. The drugs can take the edge off many of the worst symptoms of heroin withdrawal, but can’t make the process completely comfortable.


Cold turkey opioid withdrawal is extraordinarily painful. The most common opioid withdrawal symptoms include:


  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Tremors
  • Muscle cramping
  • Hypertension
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Increased sweating
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Drug craving


Nonetheless, most doctors consider traditional detox to be the best detox method for heroin and pain medication addicts. Detoxing off opiates is not easy. It’s a difficult and uncomfortable process. And it’s only the first step in a journey that will last several months and beyond.


Post-Acute Treatment Options


After detox has completed either at a rapid detox center or through traditional detox methods, the journey has only just begun. While the physical addiction has been kicked, patients will still find themselves craving the drug. On top of that, they’ll be fighting off the part of the addiction that still lingers even when the drug is gone. That is the psychological addiction.


For heroin addicts, this is much worse. Heroin releases is a great deal of dopamine when the user takes the drug. This is what causes the feeling of euphoria that heroin addicts crave. The longer the user is on heroin, the more their brain depends on heroin in order to produce dopamine. Hence why drug rehab includes more than just detox.


It’s important to note that the majority of heroin addicts that relapse do so during this part of their treatment. The reason for this is the impact that the drug has had on their brain chemistry. Heroin addicts struggle to produce dopamine naturally. There is no drug that the doctor can prescribe to combat this. Their brains must relearn how to produce dopamine on their own. This entire process can take up to a year.


Dopamine is the neurotransmitter involved in pleasure and reward. After detox, many heroin addicts report a profound sense of depression, hopelessness, and emptiness. That is due in large part to the fact that their brain is no longer producing dopamine. The medical term for this is anhedonia. It means the inability to experience joy.


Getting through this part of addiction treatment is extremely difficult. Many recovering addicts will tell you that it’s more difficult than detox. While doctors can prescribe antidepressants to help those in recovery through the process, the brain more or less needs to stabilize its own chemistry.


There are a number of ways in which psychotherapists and addiction counselors attack this problem. Some of it involves retraining the addict’s brain to be rewarded by the right things. It’s difficult for those who have not been addicts to imagine, but the things that make you happy and excited like acing a test, getting a promotion, a new relationship, or the birth of a child, have all been replaced by heroin in the psyche of an addict.


How do health professionals manage this process?


Inpatient drug rehab New York City


New York Intensive Inpatient Treatment for Heroin and Opioid Addicts


Inpatient drug addiction treatment in New York City generally comes in one of two kinds. 28-day programs help the addict through the period of detox and the early part of the post-acute phase of overcoming addiction. Three-month inpatient programs can also focus more on the post-acute phase during which the majority of addicts are the most vulnerable.


For obvious reasons, inpatient programs have shown the greatest amount of success at preventing relapse, with three-month programs having a slight edge over 28-day programs. The benefit of inpatient programs is that they provide a very restrictive environment. Those recovering from addiction will not be tempted to return to old patterns of behavior while they’re in a restricted facility.


Inpatient programs also provide recovering addicts with a supportive team of professionals who work one on one and in groups to give those in recovery the tools they need to successfully manage their stressors and cravings. Groups are meant to be a place in which addicts talk about their issues, their addiction, their reasons for using, and to talk about issues they may face once they’re released. They can also talk about their hopes for the future and why their recovery is important to them.


Partial Hospitalization (PHP)


Somewhere between an inpatient program and an outpatient program is partial hospitalization. Not all hospitals will offer this as an option, but some will. The patient would spend the day at the hospital meeting in groups and with counselors. The programs usually go from 9 am to 4 pm. They would then be released.


The key to a program like this working is that the individual in recovery has a safe place to return to where they won’t be tempted to use. Many in supportive sober-living situations choose this option after detoxing.


Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)


Intensive outpatient programs are ideal for those who have a safe place to go back to, a job waiting for them, or are highly motivated to kick their habit. Many who are addicted to pain meds choose intensive outpatient programs after detoxing. Follow up care is done around the patient’s schedule. Meetings and tox screens are mandatory, but they can be done at night.


Maintaining Sobriety after Opioid Addiction


The majority of those who find themselves in rehab truly do want to break the cycle. The process isn’t easy and it won’t be without its difficulties, but individuals from all walks of life have rebuilt their lives. While their addiction haunts them and that part of their life can’t be erased, they take comfort in the communities that they’ve built for one another. Finding a sober living room for rent and attending programs like SOS and Narcotics Anonymous provide individuals in recovery with a community that they can lean on when they’re driven to use again.


Much of the therapy for recovering addicts is centered around understanding what motivates an individual addict to seek refuge in their drug of choice. For many, it’s relationships, job-related stress, family stress, or feelings of insignificance. Unfortunately, a stress-free life is promised to no one. Those who maintain their sobriety learn to manage the stressors that drove them to use in the first place and meetings play a very important role in that process.


While the journey of recovery may never end, lives are saved and rebuilt every day. It’s a difficult choice, but it’s still a choice. It’s not the easier choice, but it is the more rewarding one. To locate a heroin drug rehab in New York City that offers drug detox along with a treatment program that is tailored to your needs contact the number below.


Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers New York City

Hartford Addiction Treatment Centers

Heroin Drug Rehab Hartford CT


Hartford has a population of 124,775 and is the capital city of the state of Connecticut. It’s the state’s largest city after New Haven and Bridgeport. Like other areas in the rest of the state, it’s struggling to contain the opioid epidemic. If you or someone you love is in need of a opiate or heroin drug rehab in Hartford please contact the number below.


Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers Hartford CT


Heroin is incredibly addictive. Just one dose may be enough for anyone to develop a heroin addiction. The health consequences are dire still for Hartford residents because heroin is being mixed with other dangerous opioids such as fentanyl. According to the Medical Examiner’s Office, the city with the biggest number of overdose deaths in Connecticut was Hartford which registered 61 deaths followed by Bridgeport and New Haven with 48 and 43 respectively. If you or a loved one is suffering from opioid addiction, the good news is that Hartford has a range of drug treatment centers to help you achieve full recovery. Enter a heroin drug rehab now and start a new life without drug use.


High rise in overdose deaths linked to heroin and fentanyl


The heroin epidemic and the growing heroin/fentanyl cocktail have been causing alarm in Connecticut over the past few years. In fact, the state’s opioid overdose level is higher than the national average.


According to the Medical Examiner, heroin-related deaths increased from 174 to 415 in the 2012 to 2015 period in Connecticut. Deaths from heroin alone rose from 86 to 110 and deaths from the fentanyl-heroin mix rose from 1 to 107 in the same period.


The Medical Examiner also revealed that in 2017 in Connecticut, 1,042 people died from drug overdoses. This represented a significant increase from the 917 who died in 2016 and the 729 in 2015. Most of the deaths were heroin-related, with deaths related to fentanyl and the heroin/fentanyl mix on the increase. Hartford police say they are no longer surprised to see the heroin/fentanyl mix in the drugs they seize.


What are the health effects of heroin addiction?


Heroin is an illegal opioid. It’s extremely potent and when you use it at length, the effects on your mind and body are considerable. You would do well to seek early treatment especially at one of the inpatient heroin treatment centers in Hartford. They have a number of heroin addiction treatment options. Here are the main effects of heroin addiction:


  • During a heroin high, your breathing may become labored and it may slow altogether. Your heart may stop working and you may die.
  • The more you assault your brain cells with heroin, the more they shrink and waste away. You become increasingly unable to control your impulses and make simple decisions.
  • Repeatedly injecting yourself may cause punctures that disrupt the flow of blood to the heart. Infections and abscesses may develop, leading to death.


If you are already experiencing problems, don’t hesitate to seek treatment for heroin addiction. At the best heroin addiction treatment centers in Hartford, qualified staff will help you to gain the skills you need to stop you addiction.


How does heroin addiction start?


According to experts, prescription drugs are the pathway to heroin addiction. This is especially so when the pills have been prescribed for long stretches, and then the doctor suddenly stops prescribing them. The patient realizes that they’ve become dependent on the pain medication. They may try to do without the drug for a while but find they can’t because either their pain is acute or their withdrawal symptoms are too severe. They don’t know how to get off opiates without withdrawal either. The next place they go to is the street but find the pills are twice more expensive than a bag of heroin which may be going for a mere $5.


Is fentanyl legal?


Fentanyl is both a legal and illegal opioid. In its legal opioid form it can be prescribed as pain medication. The prescription may be a patch worn over the skin. In its illegal opioid form, it can be illegally created in a lab just as meth is. It is this synthetic fentanyl that the CDC says may be linked to the rising opioid epidemic.


Why is fentanyl deadly?


The nature, dosage and composition of synthetic fentanyl’s additives are unknown so people can easily overdose from it. The contents of this fentanyl, like heroin, are not regulated in terms of quality, dose and composition.


Fentanyl is said to have 50 times the power of heroin and 100 times the power of morphine which it resembles. Fentanyl is increasingly being mixed with heroin to make it more potent still and heighten the likelihood of even more overdose deaths. This deadly mix is increasingly becoming the drug of choice.


Response to opioid epidemic


Funds are increasingly being availed by the federal government to beef up prevention strategies with regard to prevent pain pill addiction and overdoses at the state level. Connecticut has been able to pass a law that lessens the amount of days for pain medication prescriptions given for the first time. It also has a plan that spells out preventive measures for drug addiction and overdoses. Federal funds are also being used to increase the availability of medication for treatment programs and the accessibility of Naloxone.


Since 2014 when they began moving around with Naloxone (Narcan), state police have used it to revive 133 people who’d overdosed on opioids. Hartford police now regularly use it. West Hartford Town Council has a Substance Abuse Commission which advises it on ways to defeat the opiate scourge. The Council also has a hotline for poison control.


How can I get hold of Naloxone (Narcan)?


You can get a Narcan overdose kit via prescription. In Connecticut, those who may legally prescribe Narcan include physicians, dentists, podiatrists, surgeons and those pharmacists with the training and certification for such. The Good Samaritan Law of 2011 allows individuals to seek medical help for anyone they think is overdosing without fear of being arrested. It’s important to note that Naloxone (Narcan) does not work for cocaine overdose and there’s not yet a corresponding medication to undo its effects. Naloxone only reverses opioid effects.


What are the signs of a heroin overdose?


  • The person appears lifeless or unconscious
  • The person is conscious but can’t talk
  • Their breathing is labored or they can’t breathe at all.
  • Their pulse is irregular or slow or there’s no pulse
  • The skin around the lips and fingernails is blue-gray
  • They’re vomiting or they’re choking, or snoring strenuously


What is in a Naloxone overdose kit?


It usually has 2 naloxone doses, two wipes for disinfecting the place of injection, a glove set, and the instructions for use. There may also be a breathing mask. When administered the right way, the Naloxone takes effect in 5 minutes or less. If this fails to revive the person concerned, another dose may be administered.


Hartford Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers


Heroin Treatment in Hartford, Connecticut


If you live in Hartford, Connecticut and are suffering from heroin addiction, or fentanyl addiction, or a combination of the two, the following information will help you to choose from among the best heroin addiction treatment centers.  Heroin and fentanyl are both opioids and the treatment for heroin addiction would apply to both.


  1. What are the different levels of heroin treatment?


A successful heroin treatment program has the following phases:

  • Assessment phase to work out a heroin treatment plan based on your specific needs.
  • A medical detox to completely rid the body of heroin.
  • A period in rehab to work on the psychological causes of your heroin addiction
  • Post-treatment period when you’re back in your normal life and have a support network to help you remain heroin-free


  1. What do the best treatment centers offer?


Getting rid of your heroin addiction is a long and difficult process and you’ll want a center that will give you the best deal. Here’s what the best heroin addiction treatment centers will offer:


  • Medical detox
  • Smooth transition to inpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment as a supplementary measure
  • Proven treatment methods
  • Behavioral therapy and care in individualized, group and family settings
  • Medication if needed
  • Minute-by-minute care and attention
  • Trained and licensed staff
  • Provision for aftercare to help you maintain your sobriety after treatment.
  • Behavioral Couples Therapy for substance abuse (for couples in treatment together)


Payment Issues


  1. How much will it cost to kick my heroin addiction?


Having peace of mind is important to successful heroin treatment, but if you’re constantly worrying about payment, you’ll end up relapsing. The best heroin addiction treatment centers in Hartford know this so they have a sliding scale of payment based on what you can afford. Most PPO insurance carriers cover drug rehabilitation. Major carriers include, Aetna, United, Cigna, Blue Cross and others. To learn more about health coverage for rehabs, visit a recent Aetna drug rehab post by clicking the link.

Here are some factors they take into consideration:


  • Your income level or lack of
  • Whatever insurance coverage you might have
  • Your specific treatment requirements
  • Other medical issues you might have


  1. What other non-insurance options are there?


It’s important to note that if you don’t have insurance, you may be able to enter a program funded by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS). These programs are obliged to take on some patients who don’t have insurance. There are also programs specifically for those without insurance. Check all these out on the DMHAS website.


addiction treatment Hartford CT


The Assessment Level


What happens during assessment for heroin treatment?


When you enter your heroin treatment center in Hartford CT for the first time, staff will want to assess you first so they can draw up a treatment schedule just for you. Your assessment will likely be done in a private room. A heroin treatment specialist will discuss generalities with you and make you fill in a form giving details about how long you’ve been on heroin, when and how your heroin addiction started, whether you’ve been using it with another drug like say, fentanyl, and whether you’ve relapsed before. You will also give details of your lifestyle and family background. Tests may be conducted to determine the level of heroin in your system.  All this helps to work out how intense your heroin treatment should be.


Some centers will allow animal assisted therapy programs for drug addiction that allow patients to bring their pet into treatment along with them. Animals have been proven to reduce stress and depression, and can be helpful for some during this difficult time.


Medical Detox Hartford CT


It’s the first phase in your treatment for heroin addiction. It’s a necessary step because it paves the way for the next stage of your heroin treatment. Detox for heroin safely expels from the body, toxins caused by dependence on the heroin chemical substance and takes your body through a healing process.



    1. What is medical detox?


If you’ve been using powerful opioids such as heroin and fentanyl or a mix of the two, you have serious addiction and you need to detox off heroin in a medically-controlled detox center with constant surveillance by addiction pros. Detox for heroin may last for 7 days and all assistance is given as the heroin slowly comes out of your body. Any co-occurring medical problems are addressed and medication often administered.  The meds will ease the withdrawal symptoms while your body gets used to operating without the heroin. Full medication is given at first and then tapered off bit by bit so that by the end of your heroin detox you won’t be taking any meds. It’s expected that by that time, your heroin withdrawal symptoms will be under control.


  1. What is social detox?


This is a different type of drug detox where you just quit using heroin without the assistance of meds to minimize the effects of withdrawal symptoms. This is not recommended for heroin sufferers who normally need to quit dependence through meds and in a supervised and monitored environment. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are usually too difficult to overcome without meds. So the inpatient option with meds is regarded as the best form of heroin detox.


  1. Can I stop at the detox level?


Heroin detox is not enough drug addiction treatment on its own. While it will remove all the heroin from your body, it won’t equip you with the skills you need to stop you going back to your heroin addiction. Your chances of relapse and overdose will be high. Studies done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) have shown that the risks of a deadly overdose are heightened when a person returns to their heroin habit soon after detox. That’s because the body’s drug acceptance levels have dropped.


So once your heroin detox is over, it’s very important to quickly get into an inpatient rehab program. Many centers in Hartford offer a smooth transition from detox to inpatient rehab.


Inpatient Care


  1. What are the main aspects of inpatient care?


Inpatient rehab involves being fully resident at any of the inpatient heroin treatment centers and being constantly treated and monitored by a host of specialists who include social workers, addiction, family and marriage counselors and therapists, psychiatrists and various treatment personnel who should be licensed and certified. So it’s not only physical therapy that’s important but also behavioral therapy which helps you identify what caused and sustained your heroin addiction and what skills you need to overcome these triggers. Individualized sessions are held as well as family and group therapy. The latter is crucial because there’s a give and take with people who have similar problems to your own. It helps to hone your social skills which will stand you in good stead when you have to again interact with family, friends and workmates once treatment for heroin addiction is over.


    1. How long is inpatient drug addiction treatment?


Short-term drug rehab may last 2 to 4 weeks while long-term rehab may go on for 60 or 90 days or even longer. For heroin dependent patients the longer option is considered the best of the heroin addiction treatment options. Your addiction is severe and you need time to adjust to being sober and to learning the skills for remaining drug-free.


3. Is inpatient drug addiction treatment restrictive?


The environment at the inpatient heroin treatment centers is ordered. You are told when to rise in the morning, have your meals, attend treatment sessions, and take leisure time. This may be too restrictive for some people but many others who completed heroin treatment have pointed to the strict regimen as being responsible for their success.


Outpatient Therapy


Outpatient therapy has varying heroin addiction treatment options. They are similar in many ways to what is offered at the inpatient heroin treatment centers except that you don’t live in. You attend the center when need be from home. Care can be structured for the more intensive options. Find an outpatient addiction rehabilitation center that offers an outpatient therapy program that best fits your recovery plan, contact our recovery helpline and speak with a specialist.


  1. Can I choose this option instead of inpatient rehab?


For the heroin-dependent, outpatient care is not usually recommended over a stay at one of Hartford’s inpatient heroin treatment centers. You return home every day so you’re not completely away from the influences, temptations and triggers that fuelled your heroin addiction. And with your continuing home and work commitments, you may not be totally focused on recovery. Although there is individualized care and family and group counseling, and although psychiatric help and meds may be offered, you won’t have nearly as much access to professionals as within the inpatient heroin treatment centers. So it’s not as easy to build up the bonds of fellowship with your peers that will later be an important part of your post-treatment recovery process. This fellowship is easier to build up during inpatient care and is an important part of your post treatment recovery process.


However, many people find it a useful supplementary step after they’ve finished inpatient heroin treatment in Hartford Connecticut.  Standard therapy involves going to the center few days a week while the Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP) and the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) require you to be present for more days and longer hours. They represent good transitional phases from inpatient treatment to normal life. Some patients opt for an implant to block the effects of heroin. A Naltrexone implant can be inserted to block the e


Post Heroin Treatment Period


Staying the course at one of the inpatient heroin treatment centers in Hartford is a great achievement but your recovery process is not complete. It’s never complete. The risk of relapse will always be with you. So you have to be vigilant. You need to be in long-term programs for heroin relapse prevention.


  1. What does it involve?


Many treatment centers in Hartford will carry on giving you guidance and support beyond the treatment gates. You may be able to continue with medications such as suboxone, and methadone to control lingering opioid withdrawal symptoms and the danger of relapse.


Further, individual and group therapy should continue for as long as it consolidates your recovery process. For instance, you may opt to take part in support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) because of the accountability and fraternal atmosphere they provide. Participation is generally free and it can prove invaluable for years.


You could also opt for a sober living home which helps you transition from a stint at one of the inpatient heroin treatment centers, to your normal life. There are a number of strict sobriety rules you have to adhere to but there is no medically-assisted therapy. But it’s a way of reengaging with society, piecemeal by piecemeal.


Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers Hartford CT


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